Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Favorite things about being back in Shenzhen

Some things I enjoy about being back here in Shenzhen:

1. These little rides are everywhere --dirt-cheap fun. For some reason there are two of these animal rides outside of every pharmacy in China (regardless of which chain of pharmacy it is). It costs 1 kwai (about 12 cents) and lasts at least 3 minutes maybe even 4 minutes. It moves up and down and plays several Chinese children's songs. Whenever we are on a long walk, these diversions make the trip bearable for both of us.

2. The weather is awesome right now. It is 60-75 degrees and sunny almost every day. There are great parks (think as nice as Grant park in Chicago - no joke!). So there is no shortage of places to wander outside.

3. There is a play area (Michaela calls it a play-yeah) in every major department store here. It costs about $1.50 for an hour and, if your child is old enough, you can just leave and wander around the store for whole time. They are perfect for 2-6 year olds. I have no idea why they don't have more of these in the States. Even when Michaela was little, I'd go in there with her and let her crawl around and touch the brightly colored balls and mats. It really is a ton of fun.

4. Funny signs -- no shortage of those here.

5. McDonald's. I've just spent 6 months in the States during which I ate McDonald's a total of one time. Since being back in China, I average about twice a week at least. Something about seeing the golden arches gives me warm fuzzies here. I just want to go in and get something, anything. In Longgang (where we live) there is this new one pictured above. It is very rare to see a McDonald's counter in China with so few people cluttered at the front. Most of the time, I wait for an average of 5-8 minutes just to order my food. This one just opened so it isn't so busy yet. The front of the counter is advertising that it is now open 24 hours. Yipee!

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