Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hospital in Longgang

So I was having some other symptoms (headache, pain in my upper right-hand side) and we decided that going to Hong Kong was not a good way to determine whether these things were serious or not. So we decided to go to our local Chinese hospital. This is not the first time we've been to a Chinese hospital, but it is always quite an experience. Here is how it goes.

First you have to register at the hospital. You pay a fee and get a green medical book.

Then, go to the cashier lady and pay some fees.

Once you have gotten your registration book and then paid some fees, you go to see the Dr. which basically means you stand in a line (like the "line" seen above until you can muscle your way to the front and get some face time with the Dr. in the room. Lots of pushing involved. The Dr. evaluates you and orders some more tests which you need to pay for so back to the cashier lady.

Yes, we are familiar with her by now. The good news is that an ultrasound is only 57 RMB (about 7 dollars). Later the Dr. ordered more tests --ultrasound of the liver, kidneys, and lots of blood tests which came to a whopping total of 250 RMB (about 30 dollars). Good thing is we can get reimbursed from our insurance company. Whew!

So then we walk around to all the different rooms for the different tests and each room has a "line" just like to one in the previous picture. I don't know if you can see clearly enough, but yes, he is smoking in the hospital. Everywhere we went in the hospital, people were smoking (including Doctors). I don't think that was ever allowed in my lifetime in the States.

So then we were done. What an experience. I think the best word for it is a ton of rigmarole. But then it is better then making the haul all the way to Hong Kong. And I got to get out of the house for a little while.

Good news is, everything looks fine so I think I might be able to wait it out a little longer on bed rest.

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